The freedom of open-source

In nubarchiva, we have embarked on an exciting journey to transform our project into an open-source solution. We invite you to discover the reasons behind our decision and how this transition allows us to embrace the fundamental values of free software.

We have always had a clear vision: to offer a reliable and efficient records management solution. We understand that the actual value of an app lies in its ability to be accessible and customizable by everyone. For this reason, we have decided to take this turn, allowing people to use, modify and share nubarchiva freely.

One of the most exciting aspects of this transformation is the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse and enthusiastic community. Now, we focus on developing nubarchiva internally and invite developers and users to join. This collaboration allows us to tap into the collective knowledge and enrich our solution with new ideas and perspectives.

Transparency and trust are the basis of free software. In nubarchiva, we believe in the importance of providing our users with the ability to examine and understand the inner workings of our solution. By opening our source code, we build trust and peace of mind that we know precisely how it works.

In nubarchiva, we have embraced the freedom of free software and embarked on this journey toward a future full of collaboration and transparency. We are committed to offering a reliable and efficient file management solution while we build a solid and nurturing community.

Join us at nubarchiva and be part of the change!

Sé parte del cambio